Fast forward almost 7 years later after Anthony left corrections at MDC...
It's a late weekend evening and he is with his wife driving north on coors. For whatever reason his wife decides to pull over and take the top off of their jeep. As they continue driving, they drive through the Fortuna/Coors intersection and his wife says "BABE.....THERE IS SOMEONE STANDING ON THE OVERPASS ABOUT TO JUMP AND COMMIT SUICIDE!!!"
Anthony tells his wife to pullover and he runs across traffic and makes his way up the staircase leading into the caged overpass and as he gets closer all he can make out is that it's a young man who looks to be mid to late twenties swaying side to side standing on top of the caged overpass. He approaches slowly and is now standing directly underneath the man and he says:
"I don't know who you are, but your life matters and you are important. I don't think you jumping into traffic is the best way to solve your problems. I think it would be a better idea if you were to come down from there and we figure out a solution together"
As the young man swayed back and forth with the night wind, Anthony could see him give a hesitant and faint nod in agreement to come down. The young man walks toward the top of the staircase and the opening of the walk way as Anthony follows below watching his every step knowing if he were to slip, there is nothing he could do but watch the final chapter of his life come to an end into traffic. When he gets to the ledge of the top of the overpass, he jumps down to the top of the staircase and when he stands up and makes eye contact with Anthony he says "I know you"...he takes a few steps closer while squinting as if to get a closer look and says with surprise, "SCOTT!!!" and throws his arms around Anthony with tears in his eyes. At that moment, Anthony realizes it's the same offender turned sober personal training assistant that he had when in the correctional facility. While embracing Anthony, he says "Scott...just train me again, help me get my mind right". Shortly after this, the cops show up, but thankfully they know the young man after a few encounters and knows he has been struggling. After it was explained that there was history between the two, the cops agreed to allow Anthony to handle the situation and left the scene. The young man proceeded to explain that fentanyl had once again sank it's teeth of poison into him and was homeless without a single person in his corner. He said he didnt have any transportation to get to his programs to stay on track. Anthony gave him all the money he had in his wallet and told to find a place to stay for the night and take some of the money to get transportation to his sobriety program.